Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Snowman Door

How cute is this?!

I recreated it at work onto a glass door, doesn't look as cute but still good. 

Hopefully the children will think his cute too. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Science Experiment

What you need;

Container (Like a cup, although it needs to be see through)
Shaving Foam
Food dye


What to do;

Fill your container with water. I forgot this the first time and its the most important thing in the experiment haha
Put shaving foam on top of the water, maybe about an inch thick. We put way too much.
Then drip food dye onto the shaving foam. Wait and watch.

The children loved watching this. Kept them entertained for a fair while.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Crayon Resistant Drawing

What you need;
White paper
White Crayon (we used an oil pastel)
Food Dye

What to do;
Draw anything you like on the paper.
Paint over it with the food dye.
Watch your picture come to life.

Try not to get food dye on hands though. I'm sure you all know that though.

Sorry about being sideways


We also did one on black paper with black oil pastel but as you can see in the picture below it didn't really work out. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Paddle Pop Stick Puzzles

What you need;
Paddle pop sticks
Picture of some sort
Glue stick

What to do; 
Glue your picture into the paddle pop sticks, I put the sticks on top of the picture to work out how many I needed before I glued the picture on. 

When the glue dries, use the knife and carefully cut down the picture inbetween the sticks. I found it easier to cut on the picture side rather then the stick side. 

Enjoy your new puzzle.