Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Paper Mache Snowman

What you need;
2 Balloons (You can have 3 if you'd prefer a bigger snowman.)
Strips of Newspaper
Paper Mache glue. 
Masking Tape
Plain Paper (last layer)
Paint decorate

What to do;
Blow the balloons up, one bigger than the other.
Cover them in the paper mache, do each balloon separately first.
Once the balloons have enough paper on them.
Leave them to dry.
Once dry tape the balloons together with masking tape.
Then cover with more newspaper.
Leave to dry.
Once dry, layer with plain paper. Doesn't matter what colour because you can just paint it white when its dry.
Once dry. Decorate. Paint or stick on eyes, mouth, nose, scarf, hat, whatever you think your snowman needs.

This project didn't quite go as plan, so unfortunately there is no progress pictures. 
One thing I can tell you though, don't leave the balloon up. As soon as the glue is dry, or mostly dry pop it. 
The balloon will start to shrink which will also shrink the paper you've just put on it and you'll have to start again. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Cheese Muffins

Want to make super simple mini cheese muffins?

What you need;
2 cups self raising flour
2 cups shredded cheese
2 cups milk 

What to do; 
Mix together, put into mini muffins tins bake at 180 for about 15 minutes they should be nice and golden. 

Enjoy, they taste great! 

I made big muffins of these and cooked for 30 mins @180
I also sprinkled cheese on top before cooking. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Children have a big imagination an sometimes it's good to sit back an let them run wild with it. 
Children will have fun making up things to do as the day goes on. Although if they are having trouble with things to think of you can suggest things they can bring into their play.