Ball Game Ideas.
1. Catch - Tossing the ball to each other
2. Rolling - Sitting down and rolling a ball to each other
3. Dodge Ball - Either in teams or all on all. Throwing balls and trying to get people out. Last one in wins.
4. Silent Ball - Stand around a room, not too close to other people and toss the ball to each other. If it is dropped the person who dropped it is then out, if the ball didn't make it to someone the person who through it is out. and this game is done with no talking, hence the name.
5. Tap Catch - Stand in a circle with a person in the middle, the person in the middle throws the ball to people around the circle, if they say tap you catch the ball before throwing it back to them, and if they say catch you tap it back. If you do the wrong thing you are out. Last player left in wins.