Monday, January 27, 2014

Camping - Petal Point

Australia Day weekend 2014

Headed up to Petal Point Saturday afternoon with the family to camp for the weekend. 
Beach, sun, family, fishing, what more could you want. 
The boys and my sister caught plenty of fish and we had fish and potatoes cooked in coals Sunday night. 
Bailee and I had fun at the beach watching Tommy and Jason trying to get the blow up boat an kayak out an building sandcastles. 
Monday we packed up camp and headed to little Mussleroe Bay for more fishing. 
Bailee had lots of fun playing on the rocks an in the water, mind you in her clothes an her last change of clothes too. 
We stopped at Little Mussleroe Bay campsite to cook some lunch before the trip home. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Social Media. Bullying. Private Messaging. Effects. Consequences.

People really need to be aware about what they post online.  
What you post on the Internet is going to be out there forever. 
Even if you delete it, it won't make it gone. Other people could have saved it, screenshotted it, or shared it. 
If you don't want your children to see what you want to post I wouldn't post it. It will come back and haunt you later on. 

Bullying people isn't right either. 
So many people take their lives due to bullying. I know I may have bullied people online and not. But I'm now being the bigger person and stopping. I'm talking out about this. More people need to be aware of what bullying does to others. 
It's not just going to effect the people whom you bully it's going to effect everyone around them. 

As for posting things online you don't want out there. 
Just because someone else does it, it doesn't mean you have to follow. Doing something someone else does, does not make you a better person. 

Please be aware of what you post online and send other people privately. 
Just because its sent privately doesn't mean it will remain private. 

Teens this is mostly aimed at you. 
Don't put out what you don't want your children to see in the future.