Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Teens an Babies!

So I'm not trying to bash teen mums at all, I know teen mums and some are the best mums I know. 

But.. Yea babies are cute but your like 12-19 why the hell do you want the responsibility of a child when your just a child yourself. 
Babies may be cute, they are. 
But they cry, scream, poop, spew.

Teen mom and 16 and Pregnant glamorize  teen pregnancy and teen parents too much. 
Having a baby isn't just about raising a child. 
Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant need to start showing the over tired babies, the ones that scream and scream, don't sleep, have shitty nappies an the parents don't cope.

Then there are the teen mums on YouTube, whom I follow an love following. 
But them too glamorize teen parents. 
They need to start filming the screaming, tantrums, over tiredness.

This way 12-19 year olds won't think having a baby is all fun. 

Cause I can vouch for you. IT'S NOT all fun and games. You need to have all the facts about children before getting pregnant.

And if your reading this and are pregnant congrats and GOODLUCK!